Disclaimer: LEGOŽ and all related products and names are trademarks of The LEGO Group. This is a fan website. We are not affiliated with the LEGO Group in any way and intend no copyright or trademark infringement. None of the LEGO models shown here are actual LEGO sets, and they are not for sale, here or anywhere else, nor are instructions available.

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The simple fact of the matter is that if it were not for LEGO toys, Nova Refuge and this website would probably not exist. Or at the very least, they would be vastly different. So to continue the tradition, this section of the website is dedicated to custom-built LEGO creations based on the galaxy of Nova Refuge. Here is what you will find on each of the pages...

OFFICIAL MODELS: In each of the faction sections (Xarkon, Victory, Grimm's Army, Zygbar, Yavakaro, Natives, and Civilian), you will find the official LEGO models for that faction.

LEGO Comics: These are Nova Refuge stories played out in comic book fashion using LEGO minifigs and toys. Actual drawn comics can be found in the Story section.

Decals: Make your own Nova Refuge minifigs and add emblems and other details to your models by buying the decals from our shop!

Fan-Made MODELS: Submit your own LEGO creations or view those submitted by other great LEGO builders.

Contests: Enter your LEGO model in one of our regular contests and win prizes from our shop!